Monday, 3 January 2011


This was an event set up by Stockport College and organised by a handful of 3rd year students for fellow students to get the opportunity to meet with past graduates of the same course, giving us the chance to discuss different aspects of leaving education and embarking on the industry.

With refreshments we settled into two groups and sat round for separate q&a. The questions had been predetermined by the students and put into separate piles for the graduates to answer, this was too try and make sure everyone could get a chance of having their question answered with out possibly feeling intimidated.

A lot of the work we were shown was really interesting and all the advice informative. We were painted a realistic and current picture of trying to break into creative industry covering last years graduate experiences up to past students who had been trying for a couple of years. I appreciated this range of reference and would say that I preferred to hear about the struggles that many of us could face as this also came with some good advise to simply never give up, part of entering the industry is also developing thick skin but mostly showing your commitment and their experience was proof of that.

Overall the night gave us a good insight into a world we are about to enter. The only thing I'd have changed would have been to allow a little more time to swap groups and gain a wider range of responses.

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